There are many internal resources at UConn for those who witness or experience instances in the context of civility and respect.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of many. The workplace environment does not look the same and probably will not be the same in the years to come.
Following are considerations/suggestions in regard to civility, dignity and its impact in our evolving workplace:
- The physical and mental well-being and safety of everyone working in the units, departments and offices is a priority.
- Productivity, flexibility, and accountability may look different during these times. This is also an opportunity to re-evaluate the various ways employees contribute to the functioning and success of your workgroup, team, and department. Reference the Guidance and FAQ’s around telework and flexible schedules at
- Ask your employees for feedback on a routine basis, particularly about what type of support they need.
What can be done to learn about & promote civility?
- Utilize the information in the Resource Library and the training opportunities through Human Resources and other groups such as the Women’s Center, Cultural Centers, Office for Diversity & Inclusion, Office of University Compliance, Office of Institutional Equity, Division of Public Safety, and other campus wide resources.
- Hold people accountable for their behavior.
- Keep the topic of civility on your meeting agenda in order to encourage communication and suggestions on how to improve the workplace for civility and respect.
- Ensure you and your department/unit members adhere to the University Code of Conduct.
- Create a psychologically safe workplace where employees feel welcome to provide feedback.
What can be done to learn about & promote civility?
- Utilize the information in the Resource Library and the training opportunities through Human Resources and other groups such as the Women’s Center, Cultural Centers, Office for Diversity & Inclusion, Office of University Compliance, Office of Institutional Equity, Division of Public Safety, and other campus wide resources.
- Don’t be a Bystander. Hold people accountable for their behavior.
- Report uncivil and disrespectful behaviors of others to your supervisor/manager.
Cultural Centers and Programs and Employee Affinity Groups
The Cultural Centers/Programs at the University of Connecticut serve as vital resources in support of the social, behavioral, and cultural needs of students. They also provide an important resource to the broader UConn community as a central point of reference for issues and historical context related to the particular demographic group represented by the center. The Cultural Centers/Programs also work collaboratively to bring light to issues that face the community of underrepresented populations at UConn. Employee Affinity Groups are also facilitated and associated with Cultural Centers/Programs.
Deans, Department Heads, Managers, & Supervisors
Deans, Department Heads, Managers, and Supervisors provide an avenue for voicing complaints and attempting to resolve issues that arise in the work or learning environment. Students experiencing issues with teaching assistants should also consider contacting professors for assistance. The University Phonebook’s “Departments and References” page contains information about the leadership hierarchy for each department. Additional information about each of the University’s Schools and Colleges can be accessed through their webpages.
Division of Public Safety – UConn Police Department
The UConn Police Department is responsible for all criminal investigations and apprehensions. In cases of sexual assault, an officer is assigned to be the primary contact with the victim throughout the investigation. The UConn Police Department is available 24 hours a day and may also be contacted anonymously through the Anonymous Tip Line by calling 860-486-4444 or sending an email to or using the form provided.
Police Headquarters - Storrs / 126 North Eagleville Road; Storrs, CT 06269 / Phone: (860) 486-4800 / Fax: (860) 486-1213
Avery Point / 1084 Shennecosset Road; Groton, CT 06340 / Phone: (860) 486-4800 / Fax: (860) 405-9004
Hartford / 10 Prospect Street; Hartford, CT 06103 / Phone: (860) 486-4800 / Fax: (860) 405-9004
Law School / 55 Elizabeth Street - Library Building, Room 346; Hartford, CT 06105-2290
Stamford / 1 University Plaza – Room 142; Stamford, CT 06340 / Phone: (860) 486-4800 / Fax: (203) 251-9513
Waterbury / 99 E. Main Street, Ground Floor; Waterbury, CT 06710 / Phone: (860) 486-4800 / Fax: (203) 236-9973
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The EAP is available 24/7/365. In an emergency, call 911.
Phone: (888) 993-7650
Deer Oaks may be emailed at
Employee of Concern Team
The Employees of Concern Team is an interdisciplinary team that meets regularly to evaluate behaviors by UConn employees that are perceived to be threatening or disruptive (to others, the employee or both) for the purpose of recommending appropriate interventions. The primary objectives of the team are to identify at-risk employees, connect them to appropriate resources and to promote a violence-free campus and workplace. The Employees of Concern Team does NOT respond directly to emergencies. Call 911 if there is a need for emergency services.
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
EH&S promotes and maintains a safe and healthful environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors at the University. EH&S helps resolve specific issues and serves as an environmental health and safety resource.
Environmental Health and Safety
3102 Horsebarn Hill Road, Unit 4097
Storrs, CT 06269
Phone: (860) 486-3613 / Fax (860) 486-1106 / Email:
Graduate Assistant Additional Student Resources
The Graduate School -
- Works with faculty and students to determine resources and next steps.
Student Health and Wellness (SHaW) Mental Health (Storrs/Regionals) -
- Consultation appointments for students (via phone or telehealth), follow up services or referrals
- Mental Health Resource Centers at regional campuses serve graduate students
- Online Suicide Prevention Training Program (Ask, Listen, Refer)
- Student Behavioral Health Service for UConn Health
- SBHS provides evaluation and treatment to graduate students at UConn Health
Student Care Team -
- The Student Care Team is a multidisciplinary team that meets regularly to evaluate behaviors by University students that are perceived to be threatening, harming or disruptive to the student, to others or to both and coordinate an appropriate response. For emergencies, call 911 directly.
Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD)
- Works with students to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations when there is a documented disability (they often collaborate with SHaW Mental Health and Medical Care Services)
Human Resources (HR) |
HR is responsible for the implementation and administration of human resources programs while ensuring compliance with state statutes, University policies and procedures, and collective bargaining agreements. HR administers University and statewide classification and compensation programs, provides guidance on the search/hire process and organizational design and assessment, and assists administrators with various levels of organizational changes. HR is a resource for information regarding employee benefits, retirement, and leave administration; work/life balance initiatives; and career counseling. HR is a resource for facilitating Requests for Reasonable Accommodations pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA Case Manager). HR supports performance management by providing training, advice and counseling to supervisors and administrators, and a range of on-boarding and off-boarding services.
Allyn Larabee Brown Building
9 Walters Avenue, Unit 5075
Storrs, CT 06296-5075
General Inquiries - Phone: (860) 486-3034 / Fax: (860) 486-0378 / TTD: (860) 486-2523 Email: ADA Accommodations – Phone: (860) 486-2036 / Email:
International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS)
Immigration Services serves the UConn community as a resource for immigration compliance and UConn visa sponsorship issues for international students, scholars, faculty, staff, and visitors.
McMahon Hall - Main Floor, Suite 183
2011 Hillside Road, Unit 1083
Storrs, CT 06269-1083
Phone: (860) 486-3855 / Fax: (860) 486-5800 / Email:
Office for Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)
ODI is responsible for guiding efforts to define, assess, and promote diversity, inclusion, and educational and employment opportunity and to develop programs and coordinate activities to recruit and retain faculty, students, and staff from diverse backgrounds. ODI also works with other University units that are responsible for equity and diversity programs to support a campus environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
Budds Building – Third Floor - Room 311
343 Mansfield Road, Unit 1278
Storrs, CT 06269-1278
Phone: (860) 486-2422 / Email:
Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations (LR)
Labor Relations provides direction and guidance on how to effectively manage relationships with the numerous labor organizations that represent the University’s workforce. In close collaboration with Human Resources and the University administration, Labor Relations ensures that personnel actions are in compliance with University-specific and statewide collective bargaining agreements. Labor Relations actively participates in developing and enforcing workplace policies and procedures and supports the University’s ongoing compliance with laws and regulations that govern the employment relationship. Labor Relations assists departments and labor unions with conflict resolution, grievance processing and the adjustment of other workplace disputes that are governed by collective bargaining.
Allyn Larabee Brown Building
9 Walters Avenue, Unit 5075
Storrs, CT 06269-5075
Phone: (860) 486-5684 / Fax: (860) 486-0379 / Email:
Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) | |
OIE investigates complaints alleging violations of University anti-discrimination and non-retaliation policies, and coordinates the University’s response to allegations of gender discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence arising under University employment policies and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act. OIE conducts state-mandated diversity and sexual harassment prevention trainings, as well as educational trainings and guidance on recruitment policies and hiring decisions. OIE also provides guidance with respect to the search and hiring process and ensures that the University complies with state and federal affirmative action and equal employment opportunity laws regarding searches, promotions, and hiring. The Associate Vice President of OIE also serves as UConn’s Title IX Coordinator and ADA Coordinator.
Wood Hall
241 Glenbrook Road, Unit 4175
Storrs, CT 06269-4175
Phone: (860) 486-2943 / Fax: (860) 486-6771 / Email:
Office of University Compliance
The Office of University Compliance promotes a University-wide culture of compliance and ethics. We support the University’s commitment to compliant and ethical conduct by providing educational training and resources, assisting decentralized compliance areas with monitoring efforts, and by offering channels for individuals to ask questions and report compliance concerns.
28 Professional Park
Storrs, CT 06268
Phone: (860) 486-2530 / Fax: (860) 486-4527 / Reportline: (888) 685-2637 or / Email:
Reporting Concerns
As Connecticut's flagship university, our highest aspirations can only be reached when all of us feel welcome, supported, and heard. We created InForm because we value every member of our community and care about your concerns.
Staying Safe in the Workplace
These pages have been developed to help members of the UConn community quickly and easily access all of the pertinent policies, contacts, and training related to workplace safety. As a hub of information, faculty, staff, and students will be able access the most important information, while also find links to other offices and resources around the University community.
UConn Affiliated Unions
An employee’s union provides advocacy and support in their employment.
UConn Faith Community
In both research and practice, spirituality is a core dimension of holistic wellness. When we are spiritually well, we feel an authentic connection to something greater than ourselves. Through this connection, we create a set of core values, principles, and beliefs that guide us in our daily actions. Spiritual wellness promotes resiliency, clarifies purpose and fosters a sense of community belonging - all of which contribute to our ability to grow and flourish throughout our lives.
UConn Ombuds Office, Jim Wohl
The UConn Ombuds serves as a neutral resource and provides confidential and informal assistance to members of the campus community. The Ombuds Office is not a designated reporting office for UConn, but is available to discuss a variety of concerns confidentially to the extent permitted by law. The Ombuds Office supplements but does not substitute for any of the other resources included on this list. Persons can contact the Ombuds at any point during an issue when a confidential conversation or source of information may be needed.
Homer Babbidge Library, Second Floor Room 2189
369 Fairfield Way, Unit 1257
Storrs, CT 06269
Phone: (860) 486-5143 / Secure Fax: (860) 486-5875 / Email:
Veterans Affairs and Military Programs
The Office of Veterans Affairs and Military programs provides a full range of benefits and services to students, faculty, and staff who have served or continue to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States, including those participating in the school's Army and Air Force ROTC units. These services include benefits processing, event programming, and community outreach.
Hawley Armory – Room 100B
359 Mansfield Road, Unit 1264
Storrs, CT 06269-1264
Phone: (860) 486-2442 / Fax: (860) 486-5283 / Email:
Puerto Rican / Latin American Cultural Center (PRLACC) -
The PRLACC’s mission is to improve the status of Latinos and promote awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the richness and diversity of Latinos and Latin American cultures.
Student Union, 4th Floor
2110 Hillside Road, Unit 3188
Storrs, CT 06269-3188
Phone: (860) 486-1135 / Fax: (860) 486-4642 / Email:
Websites of Interest
- Workplace Bullying Institute
- 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge – MLPP
- 10 Ways To Start a Conversation About Race | Race Forward
- Confronting Prejudice: How to Protect Yourself and Help Others | Pepperdine Online California
- ICRACE ToolKit for POC.pdf - Google Drive Surviving and Resisting Hate (one-pager by two Latinx psychologist-activists)
- TITLE ( Personal Self- Assessment of Anti-Bias Behavior
- Becoming an Anti-Racist White Ally - How a White Affinity Group Can Help (
- Advice to department chairs on how to foster inclusion among the faculty (opinion) (
- How bystanders can shut down microaggressions (
- My Role in a Social Change Ecosystem: A Mid-Year Check-In | by Deepa Iyer | Medium
- WBI’s Position on Mediation and Workplace Bullying
- Dignity is the Bedrock for Workplace Belonging
- Reducing Talent Risk Through Workplace Dignity
- How Do You Foster Dignity and Respect at Work?
- Diversity in the Workplace: Eye-Opening Interviews to Jumpstart Conversations about Identity, Privilege, and Bias: Williams, Bärí A.: 9781641529044: Books
- Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race (Paperback) | Loyalty Bookstores
- So You Want to Talk About Race (Paperback) | Eso Won Books (
UConn Library E-Books
- Leading with Dignity: How to Create a Culture that Brings out the Best in People
- Humanity Ascending: The Rewards of Leading with Dignity
- Great workplaces are built on a foundation of respect