Something’s Happening Committee (SHC)

The goal of the SHC is to aid university leadership and employees in the creation, awareness, and implementation of proactive, positive behaviors and interventions which ultimately lead to a community of dignity that ensures all individuals feel recognized, listened to, are treated fairly, and afforded a sense of safety and belonging.

SHC Membership:

Linda Armstrong, AFSCME
Michael Bradford, Office of the Provost
Alison Cutler, Faculty & Staff Labor Relations
Vicki Fry, Human Resources, Co-Facilitator
Kim Hill, University Compliance
Fany DeJesus Hannon, PRLACC
Nishelli Ahmed, UCPEA
Kathleen Holgerson, Women’s Center, Co-Facilitator
Alexa Lindauer, Office of Institutional Equity
Vicky Magley, Psychological Sciences
Nancy Mullaney, Dining Services
Cheryl Papp, CEUI
Brian Lassy, Jr., GEU-UAW
Christopher Renshaw, Public Safety
Jason Reynolds, UNITE
Fatma Selampinar/Maria-Luz Fernandez, AAUP
Rachel Wice, Office of the Provost
Cara Workman, President’s Office


The committee started as a grassroots effort on the Storrs campus in Spring 2006 with union leaders from CEUI, AFSCME, and the Women’s Center, and has expanded into an ad hoc group that includes various stakeholder and interested individuals from the University community. In March, 2008 the name “Something’s Happening Committee (SHC)” was adopted to honor what was the catalyst for this work – employees using their voice to name behaviors in the workplace that might not rise to the level of actionable harassment or discrimination complaints, but still created environments where people felt bullied, disrespected, and unable to achieve their maximum potential. SHC endeavors to highlight best practices and areas for enhancement throughout UConn.

Accomplishments (2008-2019)

SHC established (March 5, 2008)
CEUI and AFSCME workshops (April 17, 2008)
UCPEA workshops (January 2009)
Input provided on new Non-Retaliation Policy
Seven different Posters in English and Spanish
Annual Reports (2008-2011)
Participation in Women’s Advance Conference
Law School and Two Regional Campuses workshops (2009-2010)
Input on Civility for Code of Conduct (Fall 2010)
1st Campus Wide Workplace Climate Survey with recommendations (2013)
Spearheaded Ombuds position creation (2013)
Hosted Robert Cipriano for all day sessions, with focus on Department Heads (2014)
Annual Spirit Awards Implemented and continues (February 2015)
2nd Campus Wide Workplace Climate Survey (2017-2019)

Please contact the Facilitators of this committee by filling out our form or by email, to provide them with your ideas and/or suggestions that they will share with the Something’s Happening Committee. We are here to help and assist the University community in the areas of civility, dignity and respect.